Inside Iowa State
October 8, 1999

Simplify is series message

by Anne Krapfl
Giving — or throwing — away the unused "stuff" in our workplaces or homes opens up space, enables us to use what we have (instead of buying new ones because we can’t find the old), helps prevent arguments, brings peace of mind and is environmentally smart. An Iowa State group identified these benefits to de-cluttering during the second in a six-part series titled "Simplifying for Wellness." The series is sponsored by the ISU Employee Wellness Program.

"When we surveyed employees, about half of those who responded said they have a high-stress life," said Lauri Dusselier, who coordinates the wellness program. "Simplifying our lives is a good way to begin to reduce stress levels."

Remaining sessions in the series will focus on taking control of your money, simplifying with children, simplifying at mealtime, and promoting the concept of simplicity in community settings to generate support.

Each 40-minute session (12:10-12:50 p.m.) is offered at least twice. Call the wellness program office, 4-3240, to reserve a place in a session.

Dusselier said there are plenty of reasons we don’t remove the clutter physically from our lives, including lack of time, sentimental attachments, a spouse or other family member who insists on saving items and the difficulty or cost of getting rid of some things. However, "de-cluttering" can be done incrementally, she said, and the benefits outweigh the barriers.

"Look at the bottom line," she said. "We spend time at work to make money to pay for all this stuff. How would you really like to be spending your time?"

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