Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
September 24, 1999

Wrap-up: Board of Regents, State of Iowa

Following is a summary of actions taken by the Board of Regents, State of Iowa, during its meeting Sept. 16 in Cedar Falls:

Student financial aid report
The regents received a report (for all three regents schools) for the 1998-99 academic year, which indicates:

Capital improvement projects
The regents:

Tuition and fee hike proposed for 2000-01
The regents reviewed proposed tuition and fee rates for the 2000-01 academic year. Board members will vote next month on the proposal, which includes:

Negotiations between WOI Radio and KTPR Radio
The regents approved continued negotiations to reassign KTPR Radio's FCC license to WOI Radio and transfer operation of the Fort Dodge public radio station from Iowa Central Community College to Iowa State.

FY2001 capital improvements
The regents approved a prioritized list of capital projects for the five-year period beginning in 2001. ISU projects among the top 10 priorities are a systems upgrade in Gilman Hall ($11 million), College of Business building ($10.3 million), livestock units for swine and cattle research ($4.7 million), a systems upgrade in LeBaron Hall ($1.6 million), and general classroom and auditorium improvements ($12 million).

Y2K compliance report
The regents received the updated report of the peer review team on compliance requirements. Iowa State was commended for "extensive system testing and contingency planning" and a "good focus on college and departmental plans" that could be improved by higher-level coordination.

Land purchase
The regents approved the purchase of 223 acres of land adjacent to the Rhodes Research and Demonstration Farm (Marshall County) from the Committee for Agricultural Development (CAD), an affiliate of the College of Agriculture, at $981/acre (same price CAD paid in 1998). Funds were supplied by the College of Agriculture.

Regents approve huge plant sciences initiative

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