Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
September 10, 1999

WebCT to be demonstrated

Two experts will demonstrate the online course development tool WebCT, preview features to be released in the next version of the software, and discuss agreements between WebCT and textbook publishers from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15, in 102 Science I. (No pre-registration is required.)

Phillip Chatterton, a WebCT support specialist, will give an in-depth product demonstration of WebCT 1.3 and preview WebCT 2.0. (For details on the new version, see

Linda Briesacher, regional account manager with Universal Learning Technology (which owns WebCT), will discuss cooperative agreements between WebCT and textbook publishers and long-range plans for software development. ISU has a license for the WebCT software and has been testing it as part of a pilot project funded by an experimental grant.

The software is jointly supported by the Instructional Technology Center and the Computation Center. ISU's WebCT page is at

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