Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
August 27, 1999

New facility aimed at livestock diseases

by Steve Sullivan
A new state-of-the art facility for livestock disease research will be dedicated at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 2, at the College of Veterinary Medicine.

Speakers at the dedication of the Livestock Infectious Disease Isolation Facility will include Patty Judge, state secretary of agriculture; Owen Newlin, president of the Board of Regents, State of Iowa; Brent Siegrist, speaker of the Iowa House of Representatives; and Martin Jischke, ISU president. Tours of the facility will follow the program.

Funding for the $6.27 million building project was appropriated by the Iowa General Assembly. The 20,000-square-foot facility will be used by researchers working with infectious agents that cause diseases in poultry and livestock. The facility will allow scientists to expand ISU's food safety research on salmonellosis and E. coli infections

. Scientists also will work on improving immunities and developing new vaccines and better diagnostic tests.

The new building will allow researchers to work with pathogens that require high security or with drugs and toxins that need special disposal procedures. The building's controlled environment will result in more reliable data collection.

A lecture series will lead up to the dedication event:

Livestock Disease Isolation Facility
Dedication and lecture series
Aug. 31-Sept. 2

Tuesday, August 31

Wednesday September 1
Thursday, September 2

Diana Pounds, University Relations,
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