Inside Iowa State
July 23, 1999
Ticket policy approved for womens basketball
Tickets go on sale Aug. 2 for the 1999-2000 Iowa State women's basketball season that will include 16 home games.Those who held season tickets last year will receive renewal applications in late July and will be able to keep the same seats if they renew by Sept. 1. Season ticket requests received after Aug. 31 will not be processed until all August requests are processed, regardless of membership level or previous seats held. National Cyclone Club members ordering tickets in August will be seated by their membership level.
Ticket sales for non-donors and first-time season-ticket holders will begin at 7:30 a.m. Monday, Aug. 2. Walk-up sales and phone orders (toll free 1-888-478-2925) will be accepted on the first day. Mail-in orders will be accepted starting on Aug. 3. Single-game tickets will go on sale Oct. 4.
New season ticket holders will be assigned seats after those who held season tickets last season have renewed.
Students will be seated in the parquet and arena circle sections behind the west basket, and the Lil' Clone Club members will be seated in arena circle seats behind the east basket and in parquet 41.
Season tickets are $76 for faculty/staff; $84 for the general public. Other prices are $50 for a Supersaver Card (10 punches); $15 for the Lil' Clone Club and for ISU students.
Following are answers provided by athletic department personnel to common questions about the season tickets:
As a 1998-99 season-ticket holder, can I order additional season tickets?
If 1998-99 season-ticket holders order additional season tickets to be adjacent to their current seats, they will be moved to the next best available area and seated prior to any new season tickets. 1998-99 season-ticket holders may order up to two additional season tickets. If customers do not care if additional season ticket seats are located next to their current seats, they can order an unlimited number of additional tickets, which are seated according to National Cyclone Club membership and points.
As a National Cyclone Club donor, will I be eligible for mid-court seats?
We expect nearly all of our season-ticket holders to renew. If you are a new season-ticket holder, it is very unlikely that you will receive mid-court seats.
Is there an advantage to being the first person in line on Aug. 2?
Not if you are a 1998-99 season-ticket holder or National Cyclone Club member, because you will be seated by membership level or previous location. If you are a non-donor and a new season-ticket holder, you will be seated as orders are received, so it would be beneficial to be early on Aug. 2.
Where will I be seated if I do not order my tickets in August?
Seating depends on how many season tickets are purchased. Season-ticket orders will be accepted until the start of the season. To receive priority of any kind, fans need to order in August.
Will I be able to purchase single-game reserved tickets?
We are expecting to hold three sections in the lower level (arena and parquet levels) for single-game reserved tickets. If season-ticket sales are greater than expected, the number of sections held for single-game reserve tickets would decrease.
Will there be any Supersaver or general admission seating in the lower level?
This depends on season-ticket sales. If we sell all of the lower level seats to season-ticket holders, then general admission seats will be available in the balcony only.Iowa State homepage
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URL: 07/23/99