Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
June 11, 1999


Regional nutrition award

Fran Passmore, nutrition and health field specialist for ISU Extension in Waukon, received the Betty Bowers Nutrition Education Award from Midland Dairy Council for nutrition education efforts with hundreds of students and thousands of area residents. Passmore is one of 18 educators, food service personnel and community members from Kansas, Missouri and Iowa to receive the award. Her accomplishments include a nutrition column in 27 newspapers and getting approval for upper elementary students in McGregor and Monona schools to have an afternoon milk break.

Larry Johnson elected to Swedish Academy

Larry Johnson, professor-in-charge of the Center for Crops Utilization Research (CCUR), has been elected to the Swedish Academy of Agriculture. He is the fourth American elected to the academy. Johnson has worked with Swedish researchers on ways to increase the use of crops in making industrial products. Farmers, processors and consumers in Sweden are interested in developing crop-based products with environmental benefits. Such products include biodegradable plastics, protein adhesives and vegetable-oil lubricants.

Barton appointed to national advisory group

Tom Barton, director of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory, has received a three-year appointment to the National Advisors Group for the Federal Laboratory Consortium, an organization that involves 711 federal laboratories and focuses on moving laboratory research and technology into the marketplace. The National Advisors Group, approximately 15 people, includes senior agency officials, laboratory administrators and industry leaders.

Martin emcees banquet

Steve Martin, professor of materials science and engineering, was the master of ceremonies at a National Engineers Week banquet in Omaha in February. The Engineers Roundtable, representing 26 engineering societies in Nebraska and Western Iowa, coordinates the annual event.

Distinguished service award

Emmett Stevermer, professor emeritus and former extension swine specialist, received the Distinguished Service Award from the National Pork Producers during the National Pork Industry Forum in March. Stevermer developed ISU's swine enterprise record system in 1968, which recorded and analyzed production information from Iowa pork producers. He served on many committees of the National Pork Producers over four decades.

Dance finalists

"Don't Cloud up on Me," performed by members of ISU Dance, was among eight performances selected from 37 entries for the evening concert at the American College Dance Festival, southwest regional, in Haywood, Calif., in late March. Faculty members Janice Baker and Vernon Windsor and 22 students attended classes and performed; Baker also taught four master classes in swing, jazz and tap.

Honor society memberships

Joel Snow, executive associate director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics, was inducted as an honorary member-for-life to the ISU chapter of Phi Kappa Phi this spring. Snow was recognized for a distinguished career in military service, government and higher education. Faculty members inducted into the national honor society were David Acker, international agriculture programs; Walter Gmelch, College of Education dean; Olivia Madison, Library Services dean; James McCormick, political science; and Kate Schwennsen, architecture.

Communications awards

Iowa State University won several awards in the Excellent Performance in Communications awards competition sponsored by the Northeast Iowa Chapter of Women in Communications. Awards were announced in April.

Leadership award

Laura Miller, an editor at the Leopold Center, received the "Pioneer" award from Agricultural Communicators in Education. The award recognizes exceptional leadership, technical skills and contributions to ACE. Miller was a co- recipient with Tom Jirik, formerly of the College of Agriculture information office, now at North Dakota State.

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