Inside Iowa State
May 21, 1999
ISU Theatre to present Nixon's Nixon and Cox's The Promised Land
ISU Theatre will present Nixon's Nixon in late May and Jane Cox's new play, The Promised Land, in early June.
Nixon's Nixon, by Russell Lees, finds Nixon and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger concocting a plan to provoke an international crisis that would allow Nixon to leave office a hero.
The play will be presented at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, May 27-29, at Fisher Theater.
The Promised Land was written and will be performed by Iowa State's Cox, music. The play centers around homesteaders Sarah and her husband, who are traveling toward their "Promised Land" in Nebraska in the 1880s. As the wagon wheels turn, Sarah says, "Better days ahead," and as James walks behind the plow, he thinks, "An even trade, farm for sweat." While the couple face hot winds, insects, blizzards, droughts and backbreaking work, they also cling to a vision of the possible future they can build together.
The play will be presented at 8 p.m. Thursday-Saturday, June 3-5, at Fisher Theater.
Tickets for each production are $12 ($11 for seniors, $5 for students) and available at the Iowa State Center ticket office or TicketMaster locations.
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