Inside Iowa State
April 2, 1999
Faculty vote on post-tenure review starts next week
by Linda Charles
The fate of a proposed post-tenure review policy now rests with the general faculty, who will begin voting on April 6.
Despite efforts to scuttle it, a post-tenure review policy was approved by the Faculty Senate during its meeting March 23. The policy is based on the University of Iowa's post- tenure review policy.
Under the proposal, faculty in each department would be charged with developing and implementing a post-tenure review plan for the department.
The proposed policy calls for a post-tenure review at least every seven years that would cover teaching, research/creative activities, extension/professional practice and institutional service within the context of a faculty member's position responsibility statement. The outcome of the review would be recommendations to enhance a faculty member's performance and plan for future development.
The proposed policy states the review would not change the university's commitment to academic freedom or the circumstances under which tenured faculty can be dismissed from the university, as listed in the Faculty Handbook.
Faculty comments on the proposed policy will be circulated until the voting begins. Those interested in having their comments circulated should contact their senate representative or the senate office.
The next senate meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 13, in 260 Scheman.
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