Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
April 2, 1999

April Faculty Forum will look at student-centered teaching

The last Faculty Forum of the academic year will explore various styles of student-centered instruction. Barb Licklider, educational leadership and policy studies, will help guide the discussion. The forum will be held Monday, April 12, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room.

Licklider, a former secondary schools principal and teacher, is director of Iowa State's Project LEA/RN (Learning Enhancement Action/Resource Network), a partnership among the colleges of Engineering, Education, Design, Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture, supported by the Center for Teaching Excellence. The project seeks to improve student learning by enhancing professors' learning and teaching skills.

She will start the discussion by asking those present what they think they already know about moving from a culture of teaching to one of learning. The discussion also will look at how people learn, the efficiency of traditional (lecture- type) modes and misconceptions about traditional and student- centered instruction.

Dinner reservations are requested by 5 p.m. Friday, April 9, to Jane Henning, 4-2906, e-mail: Dinner begins at 6 p.m., preceded by a 30-minute social time. The discussion begins at approximately 6:45 p.m. and will conclude by 8 p.m.

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