Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
March 5, 1999

Student exchange team departs for Tuskegee Saturday

by John McCarroll

Four Iowa State students will visit Tuskegee University March 6-10 in the first exchange of agriculture students between the two universities. The exchange was organized by the College of Agriculture in connection with the year-long celebration of the legacy of George Washington Carver.

The four ISU students -- two undergraduates and two graduate students -- represent four disciplines within the College of Agriculture. Marvin Hayenga, economics, and Danette Kenne, coordinator of graduate studies in the department of economics, will accompany the students to Tuskegee, a historically black university in Tuskegee, Ala.

The Iowa State students will attend classes, visit academic departments, meet with student organizations, participate in community outreach and tour the Carver museum.

A group of Tuskegee students will visit Iowa State April 14- 18 and have the opportunity to take part in Veishea activities, tour research facilities and learn more about graduate programs at ISU.

Kenne, a member of the Carver Celebration Committee, said the four ISU students were selected on the basis of their stated interest in the exchange, their demonstrated leadership and what they hoped to gain from visiting Tuskegee.

ISU and Tuskegee officials have said they hope to develop more partnership projects involving students and faculty.

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