Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
March 5, 1999

It's Barjche weekend at ISU

by Arianna McKinney, News Service intern

Barjche, an annual dance performance at Iowa State, will feature 10 dances choreographed and performed by 50 ISU students, faculty and guest artists March 5-7 at Fisher Theater. The dancers will enact stages of life and death.

This year's guest choreographer, Billy Siegenfeld of Chicago's Jump Rhythm Jazz Project!, will present a swing- based technique, which he calls classic jazz dance. Members of the dance company taught the technique to members of Iowa State's dance troupe, Orchesis, who will perform the dance.

ISU faculty members Janice Baker and Linda Sabo will present views of war and peace. Baker's all-women work interweaves movement and sound to create moods of conflict and confrontation. In contrast, Sabo's tap dancers demonstrate the hopeful idealism and determination of the human spirit.

Student-choreographed dances include a representation of the cleansing and revitalizing properties of water, a solo dance portraying the terror of a drowning victim, a look at a boy- girl relationship on its journey to adult love, and a multimedia piece combining moments from movies such as Singin' In the Rain, Dirty Dancing and Strictly Ballroom.

Performances on Friday, March 5, and Saturday, March 6, begin at 7:30 p.m., and the performance on Sunday, March 7, will start at 3 p.m. Tickets are $6 and available at the C.Y. Stephens box office or from Orchesis members. For more information, call Baker, 4-3047, or Sabo, 4-7349.

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