Inside Iowa State
February 5, 1999
Proposals sought for computer equipment
Approximately $500,000 is available for computer equipment that will help stimulate computer-based instruction at Iowa State. The Computation Advisory Committee will review proposals, giving priority to those that emphasize innovative use of computers and are initiated by students or student groups. Proposals are due to the college or other appropriate administrative units by March 1. Questions should be directed to Ann Thompson, 4-5287, More information on the proposal is available at
Financial aid mini-conference is next week
The Office of Student Financial Aid is sponsoring a free mini-conference, "Student Affairs Partnerships -- Collaborations for the New Millenium," from 8:15 a.m. to noon Wednesday, Feb. 10, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. The workshop is intended for faculty and staff, particularly academic advisers and student services personnel. Participants will learn about financial aid program changes and partnerships among campus offices to improve student service and learning. Register through the financial aid office, 12 Beardshear, e-mail: Questions may be directed to DeLores Hawkins, 4-0066.
Van driving course is Feb. 9
A course to help faculty, staff and student drivers handle 15-passenger vans will be offered from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 9, at the Fire Service Institute on Haber Road. The registration fee is $20 (make intramural payments to Transportation Services). To register, call 4-3414.
Swine system conference
The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture is sponsoring a swine system options conference on Wednesday, Feb. 17, in the Scheman Building. Registration is $15, which includes session handouts, post-conference proceedings and lunch ($10 without lunch). To register, contact Extended and Continuing Education, 4-5961. For more information, contact the Leopold Center, 4-3711, e-mail: leocenter@ Registrations are due Feb. 15.
Research methodologies presentation
John Creswell, professor of educational psychology at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, will give a presentation and offer consultation on research methodologies Friday, Feb. 26, in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room. His talk, "Images of Alternative Research Methodologies," will be held from 9 a.m. to noon. A workshop offering consultation on qualitative research projects -- past, current or planned -- will be held from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m., and is open to all faculty, staff and graduate students.
Those who would like Creswell to review a project should submit an abstract by Feb. 15 to Harvey Joanning, 1322 Elm, Suite 1085. For more information, contact Joanning, 4-5215,
University Women's Club meets
The Iowa State University Women's Club will hold its first general assembly meeting of the year at 1:30 p.m. Monday, Feb. 8. The club will be guests of Ames Woman's Club members and will meet at their clubhouse, 106 S. Dakota Ave. The program, "Treasures of Italy," will be presented by Si Silence.
Student essay contest honors Carver
ISU students are invited to compete in a "Legacy of Excellence Essay Contest," sponsored by the African American studies program. The first place prize is $500. Second and third place prizes are $300 and $200, respectively.The contest honors scientist and alumnus George Washington Carver.
Essays are due April 5 in 341 Catt. Entries should explore a topic that relates to the experiences of black people in the United States, be properly contextualized and critical, and be eight to 10 typed pages, including endnotes or footnotes.
For more information, contact Phyllis Harris,, 4-7558, or Vivian Whitmore, 4-9730.
25-Year Club banquet
The annual 25-Year Club banquet will be held Tuesday, March 23, at Scheman. A social time will begin at 6:15 p.m., followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Eighty-five new members are expected to be inducted into the club. In addition, 35 ISU employees who have completed 35 years of service to the university will be honored. To be eligible for the 25-Year Club, an employee must have completed 25 years or 300 cumulative months of service to ISU by Dec. 31, 1998. Invitations to the banquet have been mailed. If you didn't receive one and think you're eligible for membership, call 4-3830. Honorees are guests of the club. Others who want to attend should make reservations ($15) by calling 4-3830. Reservations are due March 12.
Lunch with Bill Fennelly
Head women's basketball coach Bill Fennelly will hold his first faculty-staff lunch from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, in the M-Shop, Memorial Union. Bring or buy your lunch and visit with the coach.
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