Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
January 22, 1999

Ask Inside

Welcome to the second installment of Ask Inside, a new feature intended to answer readers' questions about sites, policies, history and just "things" at Iowa State. You, the readers, submit the questions and the staff of Inside Iowa State will track down and publish the answers. Send your questions to: Ask Inside, 217 Communications, e-mail:

Q: What's the cleaning rotation for university staff/faculty offices and what tasks are custodial staff responsible for?

A: Staff and faculty offices receive one routine cleaning a week. During this routine cleaning the following tasks should be performed:

If you need special care to clean for an event, please let the custodial team know. We try to be of assistance with any special circumstances that arise.

Source: Custodial Services, Facilities Planning and Management

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Revised 1/21/99