Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
Apr. 17, 1998

Faculty Senate

Faculty seek approval of teaching appointments

by Linda Charles

Faculty approval would be required for all teaching appointments filled by non-tenure-track staff, under a resolution passed by the Faculty Senate April 14.

Departmental or program faculty approval would be required for all appointments unless the faculty chose to delegate the authority to the departmental/program executive officer. Such delegation would be reviewed when an executive officer is appointed or reappointed.

The proposal would allow executive officers, in emergency situations, to appoint non-tenure-track staff to teaching appointments of a year or less. Reappoint-ments would have to be approved by the faculty, unless they delegated that authority to the executive officer.

In most instances, the resolution would not apply to teaching assistants.

If approved by the administration, the resolution would become part of the Faculty Handbook.

The senate also approved a restructuring of departments in the College of Business.

Under the proposal, management information systems and operations management faculty in the department of management, and the transportation and logistics faculty will merge into a new department -- logistics, operations and management information systems. The departments of accounting and finance will not change. The marketing department will share a DEO with the new department.

Also approved were procedures to guide faculty in complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The procedures detail how instructors should prepare for meetings with students requesting accommodations, and the steps instructors should take if they disagree with requests.

The senate also heard an update on the Employee Wellness Program from Lauri Dusselier. The program, housed in 214 Beyer, offers health status and fitness assessments, nutrition analysis, consultations, wellness-related resources, self-care programs and referrals.

Tom Emmerson, professor of journalism and mass communication, was elected chair of the Academic Affairs Council.

The next senate meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 5, in 260 Scheman.

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