Iowa State University

Inside Iowa State
Jan. 9, 1998

Departments team up to win science positions

by Diana Pounds

The winning proposals for Iowa State's two new science policy positions have several things in common. Both involve department collaborations and work with the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (IITAP). And both will create faculty positions with a focus on "sustainable" science and technology -- methods and policies designed to protect the environment and use fewer resources with less energy and waste.

The civil and construction engineering and mechanical engineering departments were awarded one of the newly created faculty positions with a proposal for a faculty member whose teaching and research focus will be sustainable development and global environmental policy.

The new faculty member will develop courses and undertake research in such areas as environmental engineering, water resources, transportation, infrastructure development, clean technologies, waste minimization, industrial ecology and nuclear waste transport and disposal.

The political science department partnered with the department of physics and astronomy to win the second faculty position. The proposal calls for extending the land-grant philosophy globally.

The new political science faculty member will teach classes and do research on science and technology policies aimed at advancing human welfare and promoting sustainable economic development.

The new professorships were created to help build Iowa State's strength in science and technology, particularly through international activities to improve living standards throughout the world.

"The eleven proposals submitted for the positions were very imaginative, well constructed and spoke directly to the policy issues surrounding sustainable development," said Provost John Kozak. "It's unfortunate we could not fund all of them."

Kozak said he hopes the new faculty will be on the job at Iowa State by the beginning of the next academic year.

Both of the new faculty also will develop initiatives with IITAP, which fosters collaborations between U.S. scientists and their colleagues in developing countries. IITAP is sponsored by ISU and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

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