Inside Iowa State
Dec. 12, 1997
Thomas will head women's center
Pamela Thomas has been named director of the Margaret Sloss Women's Center. She will begin her new duties Jan. 1, 1998.
The center director provides advocacy, referral services and programming for the ISU community, and coordinates women's programs and celebrations.
Thomas currently is the assistant dean of students and director of multicultural affairs at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio, positions she has held since 1995. Her responsibilities include encouraging student involvement on campus and in community service; assisting in retention efforts; increasing awareness of diversity issues; and maintaining cultural education programs.
Previously, Thomas was coordinator of multicultural student support and an adjunct faculty member at Central College, Pella; executive director of Des Moines' OSACS Women's Center; financial manager of Urban Dreams, Des Moines; and a workshop facilitator for the community career planning center for women at Drake University, Des Moines. She also worked with youth and children's programs at the Des Moines YWCA and as a counselor and court liaison for the Family Violence Center, Des Moines.
Thomas received a B.A. in history from Central College (1976) and an M.S. in public administration from Drake University (1990).
The former director of the women's center, Celia Naylor- Ojurongbe, moved to Albuquerque, N.M., in July to complete her doctoral dissertation in history. Lisa Enloe is serving as interim director.
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Revised 12/11/97