Inside Iowa State
Nov. 21, 1997
Promotion and tenure policy timetable set
by Linda Charles
Faculty are expected to vote on the proposed promotion and tenure policy spring semester under a timetable approved by the Faculty Senate Nov. 11.
The proposed policy, which has been distributed to all faculty, will be discussed and amended at the senate's December, February and March meetings. At the March meeting, the senate will decide whether to accept the proposal and submit it to a faculty vote or reject it.
If it is approved, the general faculty will vote on it sometime in March or April. A simple majority vote is needed for approval. If the general faculty approves the proposal, the senate will forward the proposal in May to the State Board of Regents for final OK.
Olivia Madison, chair of the senate committee that crafted the document, presented the new proposal to the senate and will return to subsequent meetings to help explain the proposal.
The proposed promotion and tenure policy is in two sections, one dealing with evaluation of faculty and the other, with promotion and tenure.
The evaluation section calls for tenured faculty to receive a comprehensive peer review every five years. These five-year reviews would be considered develop-mental and allow faculty to take stock of where they are in their careers and where they would like to go. The proposal also calls for evaluations of DEOs and third-year reviews for faculty on the tenure track.
The promotion and tenure section of the proposal stresses the value of academic freedom and broadens the definition of scholarship to include all aspects of faculty activity. The proposal also revises the qualifications for associate and full professor. Associate professors must show excellence in scholarship with a potential for national distinction and satisfactory institutional service, while a full professor must have national distinction in scholarship and significant institutional service. Both also must show effectiveness in their assigned areas of responsibility.
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