Inside Iowa State
Nov. 21, 1997
Workshop sets stage for partnerships
by Anne Dolan
Stronger cooperation and more efficient coordination of new initiatives in Russia and Ukraine are goals of a one-day workshop for faculty, staff and other interested participants. The Provost's Workshop On Russia/Ukraine begins at 8:30 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 10, in the Scheman Building and concludes later that afternoon.
Speaking during plenary sessions will be faculty members Stan Johnson, vice provost for extension; Neil Harl, director of the Center for International Agricultural Finance; James Vary, director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics; August Ralston, professor of finance; and Ardith Maney, professor of political science and training consultant for International Women in Science and Engineering. The morning and afternoon segments will include several small group discussions.
The day also will include a luncheon address by Robert Tibor, an ISU alumnus and vice president of the Advanced Technology Center for Collins Avionics and Communications, Cedar Rapids. Tibor is a member of the Iowa Technology Transfer Council and is involved in collaborative efforts between Iowa State and industry, including activities in Russia. Tibor has master's degrees in business administration, electrical engineering, and engineering, the last earned at Iowa State.
In August, Provost John Kozak announced plans for this workshop and a companion workshop on China. About 180 faculty, staff and graduate students responded to his invitation for information on programs, research and teaching experiences completed, under way or planned.
About one-third of those who responded expressed interest in China and that workshop, perhaps with an expanded geographic focus, will take place during spring semester.
"We view these workshops as opportunities to identify crosscutting interests and contacts in Russia/Ukraine and China," said Glenn Schrader, professor of chemical engineering and administrative faculty intern for international programs in the Provost Office. Schrader is organizing the two workshops.
"We welcome partnerships among faculty at Iowa State, as well as partnerships with business and industry and government leaders, who also have been invited to the workshop," he said. "We feel our strength would be to combine some of these efforts to enhance the programs and build on Iowa State's stature internationally."
Schrader said the Dec. 10 workshop is not limited to those who already have expressed an interest. Registration materials will be mailed in late November and anyone who hasn't responded previously should contact Schrader, 4-0519, e-mail: schrader@iastate.edu.
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