Inside Iowa State
Nov. 21, 1997
Eminent faculty
Karl Gschneidner Jr., an Anson Marston Distinguished Professor of Engineering, received the David R. Boylan Eminent Faculty Award for Research. The award, established by the College of Engineering in 1988, recognized Gschneidner for national and international acclaim, dedication to academic excellence through research, exemplary contributions to his field and books and technical articles that will have lasting influence on engineering education and practice.
Achievement award
Metabolic Technologies Inc., a tech transfer company in the ISU Resarch Park, has received a 1997 Tibbetts Award. The award is presented to small firms that exemplify achievements and standards set by Small Business Innovative Research.
MTI produces the sports supplement HMB, and since 1995 has been looking into using HMB as a feed ingredient for broiler chickens. Researchers at Iowa State and North Carolina State are collaborating on this research.
Educational research award
Jackie Blount, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, is the recipient of the first Thomas N. Urban Research Award. Her research, "Manly Men and Womanly Women: Deviance, Gender Role Polarization and the Shift in Women's School Employment, 1900-1976," was nominated for the award. The award was created by the FINE (First in the Nation in Education) Foundation to recognize outstanding educational research efforts in Iowa and is named for the director of Pioneer Hi-Bred International. The Iowa Academy of Education, also created by the FINE Foundation, selected Blount for the award.
Guest conductor
Robert Molison, professor of music, was selected to direct the Iowa Intercollegiate Honor Choir this year. The choir, with membership from private and public universities and colleges across the state, performed in C.Y. Stephens Auditorium in late November.
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Revised 11/20/97