Inside Iowa State
Nov. 21, 1997
Farm House fund raising at midpoint
One of Iowa State's most historic landmarks may soon get some much needed repairs, thanks to the generosity of many.
In the last six months, supporters of Iowa State's Farm House Museum have contributed $175,000 toward exterior conservation of the building. The 1860s house, the first building at Iowa State and home to the first faculty, needs $320,000 in repairs to preserve it for the future.
Contributions came from more than 70 ISU alumni, former faculty and museum supporters, along with commitments of university funds from President Martin Jischke and David Topel, dean of agriculture. The top three private donors are Ames residents Ferne Felton, and John and Dorothy McNee, and Jacqueline Andre Schmeal and her hustand, W. Richard, Houston, Texas.
The Farm House became a National Historic Landmark in 1965 and a museum in 1976. The interior was restored in the 1970s and remains in good condition. The building's exterior, however, needs extensive work to repair damage brought on by age and weather, said Lynette Pohlman, director of University Museums. Martin Weaver, an architectural consultant, detailed the damage in a lengthy report released in last June.
President Jischke honored contributors to the Farm House Museum conservation fund at the holiday tree lighting ceremony Nov. 19.
The Farm House Museum conservation fund drive is part of Campaign Destiny: To Become the Best, the largest fund raising effort in ISU history.
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Revised 11/20/97