Inside Iowa State
Nov. 21, 1997
Lunch with Jischke
The next Conversation with the President is a noon lunch Thursday, Dec. 11, in the Memorial Union Gold Room. Coffee and tea are provided; purchase lunch in the food court or bring your lunch. For reservations, call 4-2042.
P&S awards
Nominations for the Professional and Scientific Excellence Award, Regents Award for Staff Excellence and the Carroll Ringgenberg Award are due Friday, Dec. 5, in 204 Lab of Mechanics. Nomination forms are available from deans, directors and DEOs and on the Web. For more information, contact Judy Minnick, 4-0762.
Foreign travel grants
Applications for foreign travel grants for Jan. 16-Aug. 15, 1998, are due in the Faculty Senate office by Jan. 29, 1998. Check with deans' offices for college deadlines. Applications should be submitted no more than two semesters before travel is planned.
Tuition grants
Tuition grant applications for spring semester are due by 5 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23, in the Office of Human Resource Services, 318 Beardshear. Fees are $107 for one undergraduate credit and $170 for one graduate credit (use these figures on the forms).
Eligibility information and applications are available in 318 Beardshear, by calling Dawn Smith, 4-6458, and online at: www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/merit/forms/meritfrm.html for merit employees, and at www.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/p&s/forms/forms.html for P&S employees.
News Service manager named
Steve Sullivan has been appointed manager of the ISU News Service. Sullivan has served as interim manager since March 1997.
He joined News Service in 1987 after working as a reporter and editor for the Cherokee Daily Times and the N'West Iowa Review. He is a 1983 graduate of Drake University.
Klein is co-coach of the year
ISU soccer coach Cathy Klein has been named Big 12 Co-Coach of the Year. Sharing the honor is Texas A&M's G. Guerrieri. Klein led the Cyclones to an overall record of 12-8 in only their second full year of varsity soccer. The sixth-seeded Cyclones lost in the first round of the Big 12 tournament to third-seeded Baylor.
Jischke on Talk of Iowa
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Thursday, Dec. 4, edition of Talk of Iowa on WOI-AM Radio. Talk of Iowa begins at 10 a.m. weekdays at 640 AM.
Honors students present
The fall 1997 poster presentation of graduating Honors students' Honors projects will be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 3, in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Refreshments will be served.
Science fair dates set
The Iowa State Science and Technology Fair, the only statewide general science fair for middle and high school students, will be March 27-28, 1998. Information booklets on the fair and application instructions are now available.
Students interested in participating in the fair must submit project proposals and follow regulations set by the fair's committee. Proposals must be developed under the guidance of a teacher or other professional.
Prizes are awarded at the seventh- and eighth-grade levels. High school winners receive scholarships as well as other prizes.
For more information or an entry booklet, contact Sande McNabb, chair of the fair committee, 221 Bessey, phone 4- 3120.
Women's Center director candidates announced
Three candidates for the director of the Margaret Sloss Women's Center recently visited campus for interviews.
The three are Lisa Enloe, interim director of the center; Alison Rutledge, a psychologist with Southwest Iowa Mental Health Center, Atlantic; and Pamela Sue Thomas, assistant dean of students and director of multicultural affairs, Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio.
Celia Naylor-Ojurongbe, director of the Women's Center from 1993 to 1997, moved to Albuquerque, N.M., where she is completing her doctoral dissertation in history from Duke University, Durham, N.C.
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/1121/announce.html
Revised 11/20/97