Inside Iowa State
Nov. 21, 1997
3M corporate business lab opens Dec. 8
Iowa State will celebrate the grand opening of its new 3M Corporate Business Laboratory Monday, Dec. 8.
Established this year, the lab is a cooperative effort among 3M Corp., St. Paul, Minn., and the colleges of Business, Engineering and Education. The lab provides ISU students, working in interdisciplinary teams, the opportunity to help solve manufacturing, product and process problems for 3M.
"The laboratory provides students with valuable interdisciplinary team building experience and leadership opportunities with a world-class corporation," said Benjamin Allen, dean of the College of Business. "It will significantly enhance their learning experiences and better prepare them for the working world."
Projects under way include scanning the business environment for new distribution strategies and sales force incentives, scouting new product markets and improving product design.
A new 4,200-square-foot facility is under construction in the Research Park for the business laboratory.
Festivities will begin with a brief program at 10 a.m. in the Memorial Union Gallery. An open house will be held from 10:45 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the lab in the Research Park, 2625 North Loop Dr., Building 2.
Reservations should be made by Monday, Dec. 1, by calling 4- 3656.
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Revised 11/20/97