Inside Iowa State
Nov. 7, 1997
Unity in Diversity begins today
by Tracy Griffin, News Service intern
International student organizations will be featured throughout International Week 1997.
The purposes of International Week are to "promote global understanding and awareness and to enhance the friendship among international students, American students and the Ames community," said Dongwang Liu, International Week chair. The week is sponsored by the International Student Council.
The theme for this year's international week, Nov. 7-14, is "Unity in Diversity." Unless noted, all events are in the Memorial Union.
The week begins with an international dance party at 8 p.m. Friday, Nov. 7, in the Sun Room. The dance will feature music from different parts of the world.
Everyone is invited to sample "a taste of the world" from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 9, at the Global Food Fest in the Sun Room, Great Hall and South Ballroom. Fifteen international organizations will prepare and sell ethnic foods as a fund raiser for the international financial aid program.
Cultural Night begins at 8 p.m. Sunday in the Great Hall. The program will include ethnic music selections, dance performances and singing by international student organizations.
On Wednesday, Nov. 12, there will be a cultural display from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the South Ballroom and Great Hall. Ten international organizations will display crafts, instruments and videos of their cultures.
International cuisine will be sold in Sloss House between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Friday, Nov. 14. At 8 p.m. that day in the Oak Room, Wayne Osborn, a history professor, will speak on the abolition of land mines.
A full schedule of events is listed on the calendar. For more information, call Dongwang Liu, 4-2782.
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Revised 11/6/97