Inside Iowa State
Nov. 7, 1997
P&S employee group wired
by Anne Dolan
As part of its efforts to boost communication among council members and the staff they represent, the Professional and Scientific Council is poised to use an e-mail network that includes all P&S staff. Members of the council's communications committee developed the network and distributed mailing lists during the council's Nov. 6 meeting.
As the system works, each of the 31 council members has received a list of approximately 70 P&S staff from the general area he or she represents. When the council has news it wants all P&S employees to receive immediately, the council president will send the information to council members, who in turn relay it to the people on their lists.
Jim Twetten said the network also gives P&S employees an avenue for sending ideas and concerns to council members, who can share them with the full council. He encouraged P&S employees to stay in touch with a council member, even if it's not the person from whom messages arrive.
"We hope this improves two-way communication between council members and their constituents. We also hope it raises constituents' awareness of council and its activities," Twetten said.
All P&S employees will receive a letter next week explaining the e-mail system and confirming e-mail addresses. Those who don't want to be on an e-mail list have the option of removing their names.
Twetten estimated the e-mail communication system initially will be used monthly. Eventually it could be used in other ways, such as to conduct quick polls on issues that divide the council, he said. Twetten emphasized the list will not be sold; it is for council use only.
In addition to the e-mail system, the communications committee has expanded the P&S Council Web site. Combined, the two probably will replace the council's quarterly newsletter, Twetten said.
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Revised 11/6/97