Inside Iowa State
Nov. 7, 1997
More Carver scholar visits scheduled
by Anne Dolan
A former National Science Foundation director and an ISU alumnus who directs a research institute affiliated with the United Negro College Fund will be the fifth and sixth guests of the George Washington Carver Visiting Scholar program.
Walter Massey, president of Morehouse College, Atlanta, will visit campus April 16-17, 1998. Michael Nettles, professor of education and public policy at the University of Michigan and a graduate of Iowa State, will be on campus in early fall 1998.
Since 1995, Massey has served as president at Morehouse College, the only historically black, all-male, four-year school in the country. He is a former director of the National Science Foundation. Massey also served as director of Argonne National Laboratory and vice president for research at the University of Chicago.
Massey earned a B.S. in physics and math from Morehouse in 1958, and master's and doctorate degrees in physics in 1966 from Washington University, St. Louis. Massey's research focuses on quantum liquids and solids. He also has written about science and math education, the role of science in a democratic society, university-industry interactions and technology transfer in the international setting.
In addition to teaching at the University of Michigan, Nettles directs the school's component of the National Center for Postsecondary Improvement, a collaborative venture with Stanford University and the University of Pennsylvania; and is executive director of the Frederick Patterson Research Institute, in collaboration with the United Negro College Fund.
He directs research projects that look at topics such as equity in testing and assessment; evaluating campus diversity programs; and pay, promotion and tenure equity among university faculty.
Previously, he was a senior research scientist in the education policy division of Educational Testing Service, and vice president of assessment for the University of Tennessee system.
Nettles received a B.A. in political science from the University of Tennessee (1976); master's degrees in higher education (1977) and political science (1978) from Iowa State; and a Ph.D. in higher education from ISU in 1980.
Professional studies professor Dan Robinson, who coordinates the selection of Carver visiting scholars, said their visits will include at least one public lecture, visits and guest lectures in classes, and informal meetings with students, faculty and administrators. Details of their visits will be announced prior to their arrivals on campus.
Iowa State officials created the Carver visiting scholar program in 1993 to bring professors from under-represented groups to campus. The intent of the program is to broaden students' educational experience and enrich the university environment. The program is funded through a $500,000 endowment.
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