Inside Iowa State
Nov. 7, 1997
Brooke to lead teaching center
by Linda Charles
Corly Petersen Brooke, professor of human development and family studies, has been named the new director of the Center for Teaching Excellence. She will split her time between her department and the center.
"This position provides lots of opportunity to enhance faculty development in the area of teaching," Brooke said. "I'm really excited about it."
"The university is indeed fortunate that Dr. Corly Brooke has agreed to serve as the next director of the Center for Teaching Excellence," said Provost John Kozak. "She brings a breadth of scholarship and professional experience to the position and, in a very strong field of finalists, received the enthusiastic recommendation of the search committee."
Brooke, who starts the position Jan. 1, 1998, sees one of the center's priorities as enhanced faculty development. She intends to look at ways the center can help new faculty, while continuing to provide on-going services to all faculty members.
She also said the center needs to continue to enhance its efforts to help faculty document teaching scholarship and build teaching portfolios. This will become more important if the proposed promotion and tenure policy (see story on this page) is approved, because it expands the definition of scholarship to all aspects of faculty activity (teaching, research/artistic activities, extension/professional practice and institutional service).
In addition, Brooke wants to encourage and help faculty apply for teaching development grants, both those offered within the university and those from beyond. Along the same vein, she would like to see more Iowa State faculty nominated for national teaching awards.
Brooke said she will seek a closer relationship with the Instructional Technology Center since more faculty are dealing with new technology and distance learning. In addition, Brooke plans to put more emphasis on student learning and hopes to establish a direct tie between the center and Student Affairs, perhaps by putting a member of Students Affairs on the center's board.
Finally, she said she wants to look at ways to enhance graduate student teaching, to make it a better learning experience, since many of the students continue in academe.
Brooke has been at Iowa State 21 years. She has taught in the child development kindergarten laboratory program and directed the Child Development Laboratory School. She also has co-authored a textbook, consulted with public school districts, conducted teacher in-service workshops and directed graduate teaching assistants.
She has served on the Faculty Senate, the Creative Teaching and Learning Task Force, the University Strategic Planning Committee, University Teaching Awards committee and chaired the University Intercollegiate Athletic Council. In her college and department, she served as chair of the Promotion and Tenure Evaluation committee and is the faculty development coordinator.
Brooke succeeds Steve Richardson, the center's first director, who now is vice provost for undergraduate affairs and dean of undergraduate education at Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/1107/brooke.html
Revised 11/6/97