Inside Iowa State
Oct. 24, 1997
Institute: Who owns the world?
by Tracy Griffin, News Service intern
Legal, cultural and ethical concerns on the use of nature will be discussed throughout the 1997 Institute on World Affairs.
The theme of this year's institute, to be held Nov. 3-6 in the Memorial Union, is "Who Owns the World."
The keynote speaker is Walter Reid, a vice president at the World Resources Institute in Washington, D.C. Reid is co- author or editor of several reports and books, including Biodiversity Prospecting: Using Genetic Resources for Sustainable Development and Global Biodiversity Strategy.
He will discuss "Who Owns the World? Biodiversity, Bioethics and World Trade" at 8 p.m. Monday, Nov. 3, in the Sun Room.
Thomas Pogge, an associate professor of philosophy at Columbia University, will discuss "A Global Resources Dividend" at noon Tuesday, Nov. 4, in the Sun Room. Pogge's research includes international justice; social, moral and political philosophy; and ethics.
Libertarian philosopher Jan Narveson and environmental philosopher Ned Hettinger, will debate, "Who Owns Nature," at noon Wednesday, Nov. 5, in the Sun Room. Narveson is a philosophy professor at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Hettinger is an associate professor of philosophy and religious studies at the College of Charleston.
Barbara Timmermann, professor at the University of Arizona, will speak on "Biodiversity Prospecting for New Medicines" at 8 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5, in the Sun Room. Timmermann leads a five-year program in Chile, Argentina and Mexico aimed at integrating biodiversity conservation and drug discovery with economic development.
Gerald Mossinghoff, former assistant secretary of commerce and commissioner of patents and trade, will speak on "The World Patent System: Circa 20XX A.D." at 8 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 6 in the Sun Room. He is senior counsel to Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier and Neustadt, P.C. and visiting professor at the George Washington University Law School.
For more information, call 4-9935.
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