Inside Iowa State
Oct. 24, 1997
Roll up your sleeves for annual blood drive
by Anne Dolan
Donors are sought for the annual fall blood drive next week in the Memorial Union. The blood "bank" will be set up in the Great Hall and South Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thurs-day, Oct. 27-30, and from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Friday, Oct. 31. No appointment is needed.
Medical professionals from six communities -- Ames, Waterloo, Omaha, Ottumwa, Cedar Rapids and Des Moines -- will staff the drive according to the blood supply needs in their areas. The goal this year is to collect 2,000 pints of blood.
Following are a few tips for those planning to donate:
- Eat before you arrive.
- Refrain from antibiotics for 48 hours before you donate.
- Don't try to donate if you have a cold or flu.
- Donate early in the week for the quickest in-and-out time; mornings tend to be less busy than afternoons.
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Revised 10/23/97