Inside Iowa State
Oct. 24, 1997
Jischke on the radio
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on Talk of Iowa, at 10 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 5, on WOI-AM Radio.
Teaching portfolio workshop
The Center for Teaching Excellence is sponsoring a two-part workshop (total of four hours) intended to help faculty develop teaching portfolios that support their promotion and tenure goals and professional development activities. The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays, Nov. 6 and 13, in 3004 Black Engineering. It is based on the work of Peter Seldin, who gave a day-long workshop on campus last fall. The workshop is open to all ISU faculty but will be limited to 20 participants. To register, contact Jane Henning, 4-2906, e- mail: njhenni@iastate.edu.
Award nominations
Nominations for Alumni Association awards are due Feb. 2, 1998. Faculty and staff are eligible for Faculty Citations and Superior Service Awards that recognize outstanding service to students, alumni and the university. Senior ISU students are eligible for the W. E. Barron All-University Senior Award that recognizes outstanding academics and service. Nomination forms are available online at www.public.iastate. edu/~alum_info/Alumni/honors.html. Call 4-4762, or e-mail alumni@iastate.edu.
Special collections talk, tour
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences faculty are invited to a talk and tour of the Parks Library special collections depart-ment from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Wed-nesday, Oct. 29, in Room 192. Distin-guished Professor Neil Harl, economics, will discuss the department's rare research collections, their relevance to LAS researchers, and the donation of his own papers to the department. A tour and refreshments will follow. For information, call the department, 4-6672.
New purchasing form
The Local Small Order/Payment Voucher (LSO) has been replaced by the Payment Authorization Voucher (PAV). The new form has a higher dollar limit, is less limited in use and, in some instances, may be used in place of a purchase order. Unused LSOs should be returned to the purchasing department. Departments needing training on the new form should contact Norma Ness, 4-4862.
Drop-in child care
The child care center at Veterinary Medicine will provide drop-in care for kindergarten and school-age children on Ames Public Schools' Professional Day, Friday, Oct. 31, and throughout Parent Conference week, Nov. 3-7. Call 4-2273 for information.
Hadwiger room dedicated
The Don Hadwiger Seminar Room, 510 Ross, will be dedicated at 3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 30. Former ISU President Robert Parks will present remarks. Also speaking will be Ross Talbot, Patrick James, Ellen Hadwiger and Yong Lee. Hadwiger, emeritus professor in the department of political science, died of leukemia on Jan. 16.
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Revised 10/23/97