Inside Iowa State
Oct. 10, 1997
Veishea awaits its future
by Anne Dolan
President Martin Jischke is expected to announce his decision about the future of Veishea soon. Jischke has said he will allow Veishea to continue if key student governing groups pledge to make it safe and alcohol-free. The student body has spent the last six weeks discussing that proposal.
In spite of lots of questions about how an alcohol-free Veishea would be enforced and the price to those who ignore it, five student governing groups passed resolutions in favor of "the pledge" -- the students' commitment to keep Veishea '98 alcohol-free and safe.
Between Sept. 25 and Oct. 2, the Inter-Residence Hall Assn., Government of the Student Body, Panhellenic Council, Inter- Fraternity Council and Veishea Executive Board voted to keep alcohol and alcohol consumption off campus property, including university-approved housing, Veishea weekend. Veishea is scheduled for April 17-19, 1998.
About 230 people, mostly students, attended a two-hour forum Sept. 26 to share opinions and ask questions about the pledge.
While some students said it is impossible to police their peers who will ignore the pledge, others said Iowa State students have to take leadership on the alcohol abuse issue and try to influence others' behavior.
"It's not a challenge. It's not an ultimatum. It's an opportunity to save a 75-year-old tradition," said Kathryn Whitaker, a Veishea '98 co-chair.
Jischke said he would make the final decision after the five student governing groups had discussed and voted on Veishea resolutions of their own, and communicated their decisions, in writing, to him.
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Revised 10/9/97