Inside Iowa State
Oct. 10, 1997
Out with the old (phone books)
by Tracy Griffin, News Service intern
The new Iowa State phone directories are in, but don't toss your old ones away.
The 1997-1998 directories are on sale at the University Book Store. To keep the old directories out of trash bins, the ISU Recycling Committee is coordinating efforts to pick up old phone books, including McLeodUSA and USWest directories, on Saturday, Dec. 6.
This will be the fifth year that Iowa State has collected phone books to recycle. In 1996, the committee collected 8.5 tons of phone books. This year's goal is to increase the tonnage by 10 percent.
To recycle phone books, put them in the cardboard recycling boxes set up by your building's telephone coordinator, recycling volunteer, custodians or building supervisor. Custodians will put the boxes on loading docks Friday, Dec. 5. On Saturday, volunteer staff and students will pick up the boxed phone books.
Collected phone books are returned to commercial publishers, who recycle the paper into new phone books. If you have questions about the phone book recycling or would like to volunteer, contact Gloria Erickson, 4-7977.
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Revised 10/9/97