Inside Iowa State
Oct. 10, 1997
Health center dedication is Saturday
by Anne Dolan
The new student health center, which opened in May, will be dedicated during a 4 p.m. ceremony tomorrow (Oct. 11). Weather permitting, the ceremony will be held in front of the building. The university community is invited.
Those who have been invited to speak include Dr. Robert Patterson, former director of the center who retired in August; Dr. Mark Blaedel, interim director of the center; President Martin Jischke and Vice President for Student Affairs Tom Hill.
Following the short ceremony, refreshments will be served and tours of the new facility offered.
The new building gives the health center three times more space and puts all clinical services on the same floor. The Wellness Center, formerly housed in Beyer Hall, has been moved to the new building to better coordinate health education efforts.
Blaedel said staff physicians each have two or three exam rooms, which makes more efficient use of their time and provides students with privacy and less time in a waiting room.
"It's sort of an intangible thing, but the building is a friendlier, more open, more healing place for our sick students than the old building," he added.
The new student health center was built with student fees and serves ISU students and their spouses.
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Revised 10/9/97