Inside Iowa State
Oct. 10, 1997
Tour of special collections
Faculty in the College of Family and Consumer Sciences are invited to a talk and tour of the library's special collections department from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 23, in 192 Parks Library. Jane Farrell-Beck, professor of textiles and clothing, will talk about her use of the department's research collections and their relevance to faculty research interests. The hour will conclude with a tour of the special collections department. For more information, call 4-6672.
"Americana" concert
The music department will host an all-department concert, "Celebrate America," at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24, in Stephens Auditorium. Bob Lindemeyer, assistant director of the Instructional Technology Center, will provide educational and entertaining commentary during the concert. The mix of music will include Broadway, jazz and ragtime, with an emphasis on family-oriented pieces. Highlights include orchestral numbers, a fife and drum piece and a double piano ragtime piece. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students. For more information, call 4-3831.
Lunch with Jischke
The next Conversation with the President is a noon lunch Thursday, Oct. 23, in 253 Durham Center. Coffee and tea are provided; faculty, staff and students are invited to bring their lunch and topics of their choice to discuss with President Martin Jischke. For reservations, call 4-2042.
WOI Radio fund drive starts next week
WOI Radio will sponsor its fall fund-raising campaign Oct. 17-24. Last fall, the station received a record $208,000 in pledges from listeners, and officials hope to reach that level again this year. Extended programming over the weekend will include two hours of Car Talk, three hours of Whad'ya Know and Prairie Home Companion shows on Saturday and Sunday.
Volunteers still are sought to answer pledge calls in the station's phone center, Communications Building. To volunteer, call 4-0188.
Graduate and Professional Day
The annual ISU Graduate and Professional School Day will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 22, in the Memorial Union Great Hall. Representatives from more than 80 universities and colleges will discuss their programs. The fair is for anyone considering graduate school. No pre- registration is needed.
A series of 50-minute seminars on preparing for graduate work will be offered from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 21 in the Memorial Union Pioneer Room.
For more information on the fair, check this Web site: www.public.iastate.edu/~career_info/gpd97.html, or call Beverly Madden, 4-9490.
Document retrieval service
The Parks Library has expanded its Document Delivery Service (DDS). From the ISU library collection, DDS staff will locate, photocopy and ship a variety of documents, including journal and newspaper articles, technical reports, government publications and others.
ISU students, faculty and staff pay a base fee of $5 per document, non-ISU clients pay $12 per document. This fee covers up to 20 pages of photocopying and delivery by first class mail or local fax. Additional fees apply for lengthier documents and special delivery. Requests that can't be processed due to U.S. copyright restrictions are returned with explanation. For more information, contact DDS, 117 Parks Library, phone: 4-3644, fax: 4-5525.
Women in Touch this month
The next Women in Touch seminar will feature Denise Vrchota, assistant professor in journalism and mass communication, who will discuss sending and receiving nonverbal communication. The luncheon seminar will be from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 21, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. Cost is $12. For more information, call 4-4154.
World Food Prize activities
A ride is available to the 1997 World Food Prize award ceremony in Des Moines on Thursday, Oct. 16. The College of Agriculture, the secretariat for the prize, has reserved two vans for faculty and staff. The 4 p.m. ceremony at the Civic Center is open to the public. It will feature an acceptance speech by this year's prize winner, who will be named Oct. 14; a performance by singer Simon Estes; and remarks by American Red Cross president Elizabeth Dole and Nobel Prize laureate Norman Borlaug. On Friday, students and teachers from 30 Iowa high schools will tour the ISU campus as part of the prize's annual Youth Institute. For more information, call 4-0706.
Statistics celebrates 50th with conference
The statistics department will celebrate its 50th anniversary during a conference Oct. 16-18 at Scheman. The development of Iowa State statistical activities, and applied and theoretical topics in statistics will be covered. The conference begins at 1:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 16, and ends with a banquet Saturday, Oct. 18. Registrations may be made before or during the conference. The program, abstracts, registration form and other information are available at this Web site: www.public. iastate.edu/~stat/stat50th/intro.html. For more information, call 4-3440.
Homecoming '97
ISU Homecoming will be held Oct. 19-25. Events include a barbecue lunch south of the Campanile Monday, Oct. 20, alumni awards ceremony at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Oct. 24, in Scheman, pre-game tailgate and Yell Like Hell finals at 11 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 25, north of Jack Trice Stadium, and homecoming football at 1 p.m. Saturday. Homecoming buttons cost $1 and are available in the Alumni Association Office, Memorial Union.
Credit union board candidates sought
The ISU Credit Union seeks nominations for the 1998 board of directors. If you wish to be a candidate or nominate someone, contact staff members Marty Swanson or David Slaughter, fax: 232-0784, mail: Nominating Committee, Box 665, Ames, Iowa, 50010, by Nov. 7.
An informational session on board members' duties will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 11, at the credit union. Call Marty, 232-8943, ext. 1-323, to reserve a seat.
The election will be held at the annual meeting, scheduled for March 7, 1998.
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Revised 10/9/97