Inside Iowa State
Sept. 26, 1997
Proposals for new positions due Oct. 15
For the second year, new faculty will be hired to help provide courses that meet the undergraduate diversity requirements that went into effect this semester. Four new faculty positions were added last year, and another four will be added this year to bolster ISU's course offerings in areas of diversity. College officials can submit proposals for the positions to the Provost Office through Oct. 15.
Provost John Kozak said the new positions will enable departments to recruit faculty who have expertise in multicultural and international areas. Faculty will be hired as tenure-track assistant professors, and their positions will be centrally funded as long as the faculty remain.
Proposals that address the international requirement will be reviewed by faculty from the International Studies Program Committee and a member of the Faculty Senate; proposals aimed at the U.S. society requirement will be reviewed by an ad hoc faculty group with representatives from each undergraduate college and the senate. That committee will be chaired by Derrick Rollins, adviser on diversity to the President's Cabinet. Kozak is expected to make the final selections near Nov. 1.
Proposals should show how the new positions will be integrated into the curricular and scholarly goals of the department and describe the diversity requirement courses that would be taught by the new faculty member.
For more information, contact the Provost Office, 4-9591.
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Revised 9/25/97