Inside Iowa State
Sept. 12, 1997
New center examines role of technology in teaching
by Steve Sullivan
Iowa State's College of Education formally will open the new Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching on Monday, Sept. 22, with a day-long program for K-16 educators.
The day will include a series of talks designed for educators, a 5:30 p.m. opening ceremony of the center in the Lagomarcino courtyard and a keynote address by John Bransford, co-director of the Learning Technology Center at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.
President Martin Jischke will speak at the 5:30 p.m. ceremony, which also will be attended by Iowa Lt. Gov. Joy Corning and Iowa Department of Education Director Ted Stillwell. Bransford will speak at 7 p.m. in E164 Lagomarcino.
The Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning was created to study, develop and evaluate instructional technologies and their applications in learning and teaching, said center director E. Ann Thompson.
"Computers, the Internet and other technologies pose many challenges and opportunities for teachers currently in the classroom and their students, as well as teacher education students in our universities," Thompson said. "The center will be an important resource for faculty, staff, students and Iowa educators who are interested in examining the impact and role of technology in education."
Among the current projects the center will be involved with are the use of Internet-based weather forecasting in a meteorology class; studying the impact of distance education on teachers and students; and developing a model program integrating technology throughout the teacher education curriculum.
The college's Instructional Resources Center has been incorporated into the Center for Technology in Learning and Teaching. The new center is located in N108 Lagomarcino.
The Sept. 22 program for educators and other interested participants is titled "Iowa Collaboratives: Advancing Technology in Learning and Teaching." It is free but space is limited. Participants should make reservations by calling 4- 3147.
"Iowa Collaboratives" will include programs on the future of technology in learning and teaching and on funding for technology instruction, as well as a tour of the new center.
Among those participating in the programs are Kevin Arundel, U.S. Department of Education senior research associate; Ted Stillwell, Iowa Department of Education director; Pamela Adams Johnson, director of educational telecommunications for Iowa Public Television; Camilla Benbow, College of Education interim dean; Jischke and Thompson.
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Revised 9/11/97