Inside Iowa State
Sept. 12, 1997
Iowa Shares campaign opens this month
by Tracy Griffin, News Service intern
Iowa Shares, a workplace giving coalition, will begin its Iowa State campaign this month.
Iowa Shares raises funds for 25 organizations -- including People Place and the Story County Developmental Center in Ames -- that work toward resolving problems in Iowa communities by focusing on the roots of a problem. Iowa Shares was established five years ago with a focus on central Iowa, but now is expanding.
"A wide range of people are benefited [through Iowa Shares]. Most of our organizations have few funding options and aren't members of United Way," said Cassandra Amesley, a member of the Iowa Shares board.
Amesley said the goal of Iowa Shares this year is people. "Our goal is to double the number of people who donate to Iowa Shares."
The campaign at Iowa State already is under way. All full- time Iowa State employees will receive a brochure and pledge card in the mail by late September. Faculty and staff who wish to contribute should mail their completed pledge cards to Iowa Shares.
Amesley said a payroll deduction option will be available to donors if at least 100 ISU contributors choose this method of giving. If donors opt for payroll deducation, a copy of their pledge cards will be sent to payroll.
"If people could commit $5 or $10 a paycheck, it would be a substantial amount to us," Amesley said.
For more information about Iowa Shares, contact Amesley at (515) 279-5989.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0929/shares.html
Revised 9/11/97