Inside Iowa State
Sept. 12, 1997
ETRC ceremony is Sept. 20
by Skip Derra
By now, most pedestrians have noticed a big hole taking shape north of Beyer Hall. In June, site excavation began for phase I of the Engineering Teaching and Research Complex (ETRC).
A ceremonial "groundbreaking" for Stanley and Helen Howe Hall, phase I of ETRC, is scheduled for 11 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 20. The ISU community is invited.
Attending will be Gov. Terry Branstad, Speaker of the House Ron Corbett (R-Cedar Rapids), Stanley and Helen Howe of Muscatine, Regents President Owen Newlin and president of the engineering student council Stacy Edler.
ETRC will encompass two buildings -- Howe Hall on the west side of Bissell Road and phase II on the east side. The buildings will be connected by a skywalk and tunnel.
Howe Hall is expected to be completed by early 2000. Construction of the second building will begin next summer. Completion of the entire complex is scheduled for December 2001.
You can watch ETRC grow, courtesy of a World Wide Web camera trained on the site. Check out pictures, movies and other info at http://www.eng.iastate.edu/etrc/.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0929/howe.html
Revised 9/11/97