Inside Iowa State
Sept. 12, 1997
NSF graduate fellowship
Daphna Nathanson, a graduate student in electrical and computer engineering, recently received a 1997 National Science Foundation graduate fellowship, awarded for graduate study leading to research-based master's or doctoral degrees. Nathanson, who is working on her master's degree, is studying the areas of computer architecture, perfor-mance issues and distributed computing.
Service award
The Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture received the Iowa Academy of Science Distinguished Service award this spring. The award recognizes exceptional service in the areas of science, technology and application of science to public service.
FCS college awards
College of Family and Consumer Sciences faculty and staff members were honored at the annual spring FCS Honors and Awards Banquet.
Shirley Gilmore, associate professor in hotel, restaurant and institution management, received the Helen LeBaron Hilton Teaching Award.
Carolyn Kundel, associate professor in textiles and clothing, received the CFCS Career Teaching Award.
Suzanne Hendrich, associate professor of food science and human nutrition and interim co-director of the Center for Designing Foods to Improve Nutrition, received the Faculty Research Excellence Award.
Joan Herwig, associate professor in human development and family studies and director of the Child Development Laboratory School, received the Faculty Award for International Achievement.
Wilma Miller, food worker in the Tearoom, is recipient of the Merit Outstanding Service Award.
Jeanne Stewart, assistant scientist in food science and human nutrition, is the recipient of the Professional and Scientific Outstanding Service Award.
Ruth Glock, adjunct instructor in textiles and clothing, is recipient of the FCS Outstanding Advisor Award.
Gold award
Communication specialists from Extension, Media Graphics and the College of Agriculture received a Gold Award in graphic design for an ISU exhibit entered in the 1997 Agricultural Communicators in Education (ACE) Critique and Awards competition. Members of the team are Elaine Edwards, Dave Pavlik, Laura Sternweis, Laura Miller, Diane Nelson, Doug Cooper, Brian Meyer, Del Marks, Judy Isaacson, Mark Jost, Melva Berkland and Tom Hiett. The exhibit, which included more than 20 displays and was housed in a large tent, was developed for the 1996 Farm Progress Show to highlight new technology developed at Iowa State.
Top journal article
An article authored by Lisa Matthews, Ph.D. student in sociology; Rand Conger, professor of sociology; and K.A.S. Wickrama, associate scientist with the Rural Health Research Center, has won the 1996 Reuben Hill Research and Theory Award given by the National Council on Family Relations. "Work-Family Conflict and Marital Quality: Mediating Processes" appeared in Social Psychology Quarterly (59:62-79) and was chosen from 50 nominated articles selected from 50 journals. The authors will be honored at the council's annual meeting in Washington, D. C., in November.
Teaching award
Ann Marie Fiore, associate professor of textiles and clothing, is the first recipient of the University Museums annual teaching award. Fiore was recognized for her innovative use of museum resources in her class, Aesthetics and the Family.
Outstanding achievement
John Gustafson, computational scientist with Ames Laboratory, received one of two outstanding achievement awards from the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications. The award recognizes outstanding contributions to the fields of parallel and distributed computing and applications. Gustafson was a keynote speaker at the July conference.
National placement
The Civil and Construction Engineering Analytical Services Laboratory (ASL) recently placed second out of 25 laboratories nationwide in an inter-laboratory proficiency study conducted by Environmental Resource Associates, Arvada, Colo. Assistant scientist Dave Schoeller analyzed single-blind check standards for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes ("BTEX") and unleaded gasoline in water. ASL participates in these studies to maintain its certification in the Iowa Underground Storage Tank Laboratory Certification Program.
Award of merit
Nels Lersten, professor of botany, received a Merit Award from the Botanical Society of America. The award recognizes his numerous contributions to botanical science, especially to the study of plant anatomy and morphology, and his service to the society as treasurer and editor-in-chief of AJB.
Contest winner
Iowa's Prairie Heritage, a documentary produced by Todd Mundt, received first place in the series/documentary category (Division B; medium-sized news staffs) in the 1997 national awards program sponsored by Public Radio News Directors Inc. The contest covers work done in 1996.
Alum award
David Williams, associate dean in the College of Agriculture, received the 1997 Distinguished Agriculture Alumnus Award from Oklahoma State University.
Educator of the year
Barbara Caldwell, assistant professor of art education, was elected "Iowa Art Educator of the Year" for the higher education level by Art Educators of Iowa. The award recognizes Caldwell's efforts to expand the global perspective in the new art basics curriculum project, effectiveness as a teacher and adviser, success in building appreciation of diversity through her creative/research activity and her service to local and state organizations.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0929/honors.html
Revised 9/11/97