Inside Iowa State
Aug. 29, 1997
NCAA fully certifies athletics
by Steve Jones
A new program to better meet the academic, athletic, career and other needs of Iowa State's minority student-athletes is being implemented this fall.
The plan figured prominently in a recent NCAA decision to fully certify the ISU athletic department. A year ago, an NCAA committee designated ISU as certified with conditions. To obtain full certification, ISU needed a comprehensive plan addressing minority opportunities.
ISU's plan addresses areas that will aid all student-athletes but are identified as essential to the success of minority student-athletes. It will be integrated with the ISU-Ames program, "Breaking Down the Barriers," which is developing ways Ames can be a more welcoming community to a diverse population. The athletic department's plan:
- Modifies academic services to improve retention and graduation rates.
- Promotes the use of leadership, life skills and personal development programs.
- Increases efforts to help minority student-athletes choose majors and prepare for careers.
- Develops mentoring programs for minority student-athletes with ISU faculty and Ames residents.
- Improves professional development for athletic department employees to better meet academic, personal and athletic needs of student-athletes.
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