Inside Iowa State
Aug. 29, 1997
Faculty exchange deadlines
Application forms are available in the Study Abroad Center, 5 Hamilton, for faculty exchanges with foreign universities with which Iowa State has formal agreements. The application deadlines to participate in a faculty exchange for the 1998- 99 academic year are:
Sept. 12, due in dept. office;
Oct. 3, due in college office;
Nov. 1, due in Study Abroad Center.
For more information, contact Trevor Nelson, 4-6792.
Breakfast with Jischke
The next Conversation with the President will be a breakfast at 7:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 11, in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Coffee and tea are provided; guests may bring their breakfast or purchase one in the food court. For reservations, call 4-2042.
New gambling studies
The College of Family and Consumer Sciences will continue to look at the effects of gambling on family finances, relation- ships and tourism. Three new studies will be included in a college publication on gambling due out next summer.
Bowling league expands
The Iowa State bowling league has expanded its membership to include merit employees, post docs, associates and collaborators. Formerly, the league was for faculty and P&S staff. The league bowls at 6:30 p.m. Mondays, through April, at Twentieth Century Bowling, 505 S. Duff Ave. The first meeting is Sept. 8. To join, call Frank Amos, 4-3232.
That's Bond, Ames Bond
Volunteers are sought for Ames Bond, a pilot program to bring first-year Iowa State students into closer contact with Ames residents through meals, entertainment and other activities.
The program is intended to provide support for new students, help them ease into college and build stronger relationships between students and the Ames community.
Organizers are seeking Ames families or adults to participate in the program. Applications are available from Minority Student Affairs, 4-6338.
The program is a collaboration of Freshmen Council and Minority Student Affairs.
Bacon Center conference
The Murray Bacon Center for Ethics in Business is sponsoring "Family Values in the Workplace," a conference on balancing work and family issues, Thursday, Sept. 4, from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. in the Memorial Union Campanile Room. Speakers from 3M, Pioneer Hi-Bred, AmerUs Life Holdings and The Principal will share solutions on juggling work and family commitments.
James Autry, business consultant and former Helen LeBaron Hilton chair holder, will give the keynote address. The conference is free. To register, call 4-8116.
One-stop ICN scheduling
David Anderson, a full-time ICN (Iowa Communication Network) scheduler in Extended and Continuing Education, will provide one-stop service for credit and non-credit programs: scheduling an ICN event, receiving cost estimates, or receiving a confirmation of site requests, usually within 48 hours. Anderson is at 102 Scheman, phone: 4-1234, fax: 4- 6223, e-mail: dmander@iastate.edu.
Support for Olympians
The football season opener Saturday has been declared Special Olympians night. About 500 Special Olympians will attend the game and sit in sections 18/19. The night is one way ISU is supporting the program.
Allen joins Jischke on Talk of Iowa
Business college dean Ben Allen will join President Martin Jischke on the Wednesday, Sept. 3, installment of Talk of Iowa on WOI-AM Radio. The program airs at 10 a.m. weekdays at 640 on the AM dial.
Nutcracker ballet auditions
Auditions for the 17th annual production of The Nutcracker will be Sunday, Sept. 7, from noon to 7 p.m. at C.Y. Stephens. Performance dates this year are Dec. 12-14.
People should arrive early to fill out forms. Use the stage door at the southeast corner. Dancers should wear leotards, tights and ballet or pointe shoes. For more information, call the Dancenter, 233-3609.
Child care center open house
A dedication ceremony and open house for the new child care facility at Veterinary Medicine will begin at 10 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 11. The center is at 1700 Christensen Dr. in the Walnut Woods area of the Veterinary Medicine complex.
For information about enrolling a child in the center, call 4-2273.
Rikki-Tikki Tavi
The Minority Theatre Workshop returns from a summer tour to present two home performances of Rikki-Tikki Tavi. Performances will be at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 30, in the Fisher Theater courtyard. Tickets are $3 and will be available at the site.
College Creek work resumes
Phase II of a four-phase project to restore the banks and channel of College Creek began last week. The work is expected to take about four weeks to complete.
Phase II covers about 450 feet of College Creek along the east side of the Memorial Union parking ramp. The work will involve lining the creek bed with gravel and field stones, re-grading and reinforcing the creek bank with soil encased in biodegradable fabric and replanting ground vegetation removed at the beginning of the project.
About 20 percent of the trees along the creek bank will be removed, either because water erosion has exposed their root systems or because the restoration work can't be completed with them there.
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
Copyright © 1997, Iowa State University, all rights reserved
URL:http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0829/ announcements.html
Revised 8/29/97