Inside Iowa State
Aug. 29, 1997
ABC to D.C.
Washington, D.C., will be the site of the first public viewing of the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) replica. ISU officials announced earlier this month that the replica will be unveiled Oct. 8 at the National Press Club.
Present at the announcement was John V. Atanasoff II, whose father led the world into the computer age.
The replica is being built as a tribute to computer pioneers John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry, who during 1939-42 designed and built the world's first electronic digital computer at Iowa State. Berry was a graduate student when he helped Atanasoff develop the ABC. Because of the urgency of World War II, they discontinued work on the project. Unfortunately, the original computer was dismantled and discarded.
Business and government leaders are expected to attend the Washington, D.C., event, along with members of the Atanasoff family.
After the unveiling in Washington, D.C., the ABC replica will return to Iowa where it will be displayed in several locations. Plans for the Iowa displays are not final.
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Revised 8/29/97