Inside Iowa State
August 8, 1997
Tuition grants to cover 3 credits
by Anne Dolan
For the first time, tuition reimbursement to Professional and Scientific employees working toward degrees could be 100 percent of the cost of a course. In response to an ongoing plea from the P&S ranks for more professional development support and in light of a stronger commitment to it, the administration has approved a plan that reimburses P&S employees for up to three credits of course fees per semester based on Iowa State tuition levels. The courses may be graduate or undergraduate level. The pilot project is expected to cover fall and spring semester courses.
Proponents say the more generous policy also will be a boost to the university's recruiting efforts.
George Covert, who chairs the P&S Professional Development Committee that proposed the plan, said the potential cost range is wide. He said there is a lot of variance in the number of P&S employees who seek tuition grants any given semester, but he estimated the final tally will be slightly over $100,000 for the year.
The P&S tuition grant fund for this year is $98,000, an increase of $40,000 allocated by President Martin Jischke over last year's amount. If the cost of the new plan this first year exceeds $98,000, administrators have agreed to a plan to cover the shortfall. After spring semester, the policy will be reviewed again.
Covert said that in past years, participants in the reimbursement program received from 60 to 75 percent of the cost of three credit hours. The reimbursement level depended on how many people applied for grants, completed their courses and received a C grade or better.
Aug. 1 was the published deadline to apply for a tuition grant for fall semester. Those who met that deadline will receive a letter approving their eligibility before fall classes begin.
The P&S Professional Development Committee will continue to review applications received through Aug. 22, though applicants may not receive eligibility letters until after classes begin.
The eligibility rules remain unchanged from last year and are listed on the application form. Forms are available from the Human Resources Services office, 318 Beardshear, or from this Web site: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~hrs_info/p&s/forms/forms.html.
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