Inside Iowa State
August 8, 1997
Lunch with Jischke
The next Conversation with the President is a noon lunch Wednesday, Aug. 20, in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Coffee and tea are provided; members of the ISU community may pack a sack lunch or purchase one in the food court. To reserve a seat, call 4-2042.
Recruitment/retention grants
A P&S committee is soliciting proposals for programs, events and activities that will enhance students' experience at Iowa State. President Martin Jischke has allocated up to $25,000 to fund or partially fund projects in the fourth year of this retention and recruitment effort. Interdepartmental and cost- sharing proposals especially are welcome. Proposals (7 copies) are due by 5 p.m. Monday, Aug. 18, to: Retention and Recruitment Standing Committee, P&S Council, c/o Katy Rice, 104 Marston. Grant awards will be announced by Aug. 28. Proposal guidelines can be found online at: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~ps_info/guides.html.
Talk of Iowa
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Wednesday, Aug. 20, installment of Talk of Iowa. The program airs weekdays at 10 a.m. on WOI-AM Radio, 640 on the dial.
Fall convocation
The university-wide fall convocation will begin at 3:15 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 28, in the Memorial Union Sun Room. President Martin Jischke will speak. Refreshments will be served at the conclusion of his talk. All members of the ISU community are invited. (For a schedule of college convocations, see page 8.)
Host families sought
Host families are being recruited for 10 students and two faculty members from the University of Pretoria, South Africa. The group will be at Iowa State for three weeks, beginning Friday, Aug. 29, as part of an exchange program with the College of Education. The students will student teach at Ames High School during their stay. For more information, contact Karen Donaldson, assistant professor of curriculum and instruction, 4-7925.
Jischke seeks comments on research report
An ISU task force on research calls for "resources to support the research infrastructure," policy changes that provide the university more flexibility to respond to the changing research environment and aggressive pursuit of research funding from industry, multinational corporations and international agencies, in addition to federal and state agencies.
Since last fall, the task force has been studying the sponsored research environment at Iowa State and the potential for growth and change.The task force recently submitted its report to President Martin Jischke.
The president is seeking comments on the report through September, and decisions on the recommendations will be made after that. The report is available online on the president's homepage. Submit comments to President Jischke, 117 Beardshear.
LAS names department heads
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences has two new department heads.
Madeleine Mary Henry, associate professor of foreign language and literatures, has been named chairperson of the foreign language and literatures department. Henry has been a member of the ISU faculty since 1985. Henry specializes in Greek comedy and women in classical antitquity, and has written several books and scholarly articles.
Paul G. Spry, professor of geological and atmospheric sciences, has been named chair of geological and atmospheric sciences. Spry has done extensive geological research in Australia, and has written or contributed to a variety of books and articles. Spry has served as associate chair of geological and atmospheric sciences since 1995. He also is a former associate director of the Iowa State Mining and Mineral Resources Research Institute and the Center for Coal and the Environment.
Iowa State homepage
Inside Iowa State, inside@iastate.edu, University Relations
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Revised 8/7/97