Inside Iowa State
July 18, 1997
New name, new services
by Linda Charles
Media Resources Center now is the Instructional Technology Center, a name that better reflects its purpose, said Don Rieck, director.
The name change is one result of a three-year process involving an internal audit, program review and strategic planning activities.
Earlier this year, the center began offering a one-stop counter for all classroom services in 112 Pearson. Previously, faculty often had to stop at several counters to check out equipment, films, videos and keys, Rieck said.
Other changes include additional seminars and workshops focusing on multimedia development, Web-based courseware design and other emerging instructional technologies.
ITC also will expand support for use of technology in classrooms and teaching facilities, and for distance education, such as ICN classrooms and videoconferences.
An open house at the center is planned for Oct. 1. Center staff also will attend summer or fall staff meetings to explain the new and planned services. To schedule an appointment, call Rieck, 4-8022.
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Revised 7/17/97