Inside Iowa State
July 18, 1997
Iowa Games in Ames Aug. 1--3
by Linda Charles
Athletes of all ages and their families converge on Ames Aug. 1-3 as Iowa State and the city again host the Iowa Games.
The games are a multi-sport festival of Olympic-style competition for Iowa's amateur athletes.
Events begin at noon Friday, Aug. 1, at Nollen Plaza in Des Moines, when Gov. Terry Branstad will carry a torch on the first leg of its journey to Jack Trice Stadium for opening ceremonies that evening, said Jim Hallihan, director of Iowa Games.
Opening ceremonies begin at 8 p.m. in the stadium and will include a parade of athletes, sky divers, entertainment and fireworks, along with the ceremonial lighting of the cauldron with the torch. Speakers will include former ISU basketball star and current Indiana Pacer Fred Hoiberg, Gov. Branstad and President Martin Jischke.
The event is free, as are most events for the general public. Entry fee to participate in the games is $12 per person or team and $15 for an individual sport.
Prior to the ceremony, a pizza and fun fest will be held on the parking lot across from the Jacobson Building, Hallihan said. There will be games for children, rub-on ISU tattoos, sports demonstrations and a music. The only cost is $4 for food, which will include three slices of pizza, two cookies and a soft drink.
Competitions in 36 sports will be held in various locations around campus and Ames. Schedules of events and maps will be available at registration in parking lot B-6, across the street from the Jacobson Building.
Family night will be held Saturday, beginning at 7 p.m. in Benton Auditorium, Scheman. Scott Raecker, director of Iowa Sesquicentennial, will discuss the need for civility during his talk on "Character Counts."
At 8 p.m. a teen dance will be held in the Scheman courtyard, while inside in the lobby, a dance for parents will feature KIOA DJ Dic Young. Disney movies for the kids will be shown in Benton auditorium.
Volunteers sought
Volunteers still are needed for the games. Volunteers do a variety of activities, none requiring experience. Most work a four-hour shift, although some choose to work up to 12 hours. All volunteers receive an Iowa Games T-shirt. Those interested in volunteering should contact the Ames Convention & Visitors Bureau, 232-4032. Competitors may pick up registration booklets at the ACVB, Casey's General Stores, Hy-Vee, Brenton Bank, YMCA, and the Ames Parks and Recreation office, or call 292-3251.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0718/iagames.html
Revised 7/17/97