Inside Iowa State
July 18, 1997
Mandel is second Smith scholar
by Steve Sullivan
Nationally known political scientist Ruth Mandel has been named the second holder of the Mary Louise Smith Endowed Chair in Women and Politics.
Mandel is director of the Eagleton Institute of Politics and professor of politics at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J.
She will make her first visit to campus on Oct. 6-7. While on campus, she will present a public lecture, speak at a symposium on women and leadership and meet with students. Her visit is being coordinated by the Carrie Chapman Catt Center for Women and Politics.
"Ruth Mandel is an internationally known scholar and speaker on women's issues and a frequent commentator for the national media. We are thrilled that she is bringing her experiences, insights and scholarship on women and leadership to Iowa State," said Dianne Bystrom, Catt Center director.
Mandel wrote In the Running: The New Woman Candidate. She also teaches courses on women and American politics and political leadership.
In 1993, President Bill Clinton appointed her vice chairperson of the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Council.
The Mary Louise Smith Endowed Chair in Women and Politics was created in 1995 to honor Mary Louise Smith, the only woman to chair the National Committee of the Republican Party. Fund raising to endow the $1 million chair continues. The chair is designed to bring outstanding political scholars and leaders to campus.
Former Kansas Sen. Nancy Kassebaum Baker was the first holder of the Smith Chair.
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Revised 7/17/97