Inside Iowa State
June 27, 1997
ISU fact sheet on Hepatitis A is online
An Office of Environmental Health and Safety fact sheet on Hepatitis A is online. You can find out more on how to protect yourself and your family at this URL: http://www.ehs.iastate.edu/hepatitis.htm.
ESL for children of ISU employees
Faculty and staff who want their children to receive English as a Second Language (ESL) support in the Ames schools should ask for it when they register their children for school this summer.ESL classes are held at some elementary schools, as well as Ames Middle School and Ames High School.
For more information, call Ralph Farrar, 239-3700.
Lunch with Jischke
The next Conversation with the President is a noon lunch Wednesday, July 16, in the Memorial Union Regency Room. Guests are welcome to pack a brown bag lunch or purchase their lunch in the food court; coffee and tea are provided. To make a reservation, call 4-2042.
Jischke on Talk of Iowa
President Martin Jischke will be a guest on the Wednesday, July 16, Talk of Iowa radio show. Talk of Iowa, which airs weekdays on WOI-AM, begins at 10 a.m.
ISU faculty and staff getting around
When ISU faculty and staff met with groups and clubs around central Iowa last year, they talked about all kind of things -- rural architecture, TV viewing labels, the Amish, news coverage of the Iowa Legislature, traveling abroad alone and exercise for older adults.Through the newly created Speakers Bureau, ISU experts have spoken to about 65 groups and 5,000 people over the past five months.
Approximately 230 faculty and staff are on the bureau's list of speakers. Faculty or staff who wish to serve as speakers or community groups that need speakers can contact Glenda Mcintire, gfmcint@iastate.edu, 4-6136, or Huang Tan, speakers@iastate.edu, 4-5992.
Harding takes admissions spot
Mark Harding, associate director of the undergraduate admissions office at the University of South Florida, Tampa, has been named director of admissions. He received a B.A. in communications studies from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 1985. Harding succeeds Karsten Smedal, who retired in May. Harding will start at ISU on July 21.
Wood named to interim post
Shirley Wood will return from early retirement to serve as interim chair of the department of health and human performance. She chaired the department from 1990 to 1994. She will begin work July 1.
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URL: http://www.iastate.edu/general/Inside/1997/0627/announcements.html
Revised 6/26/97