Inside Iowa State
June 6, 1997
Pay hikes will average 4 percent
by Diana Pounds
Pay hikes for Iowa State faculty and staff should average approximately 4 percent next fiscal year.
ISU officials say a $9.8 million state appropriation should fully fund average 4 percent increases in compensation (pay and benefits) for most faculty and staff.
The legislative funds, however, do not cover salary and benefit increases next year for positions that are funded federally or with indirect costs. Staff in those positions will receive average 4 percent pay hikes through internal reallocations in the affected units.
According to salary guidelines, faculty and professional and scientific staff who are meeting performance expectations should receive increases of at least 2 percent. Salary increases above that percentage will be based on individual merit, equity or market considerations.
Salary increases for merit employees will include a 3 percent increase on July 1 and step increases during the year for an overall increase of 4 percent.
June paychecks for eligible faculty and P&S staff will reflect the second of two supplemental salary adjustments (the first was in October) to restore a shortfall in the initial FY97 salary appropriations. The two supplements restore approximately an additional 0.9 percent over the initial FY97 salaries and bring the average pay hike for FY97 to nearly 4 percent. This restoration will be continued into the salary base for FY98.
University officials anticipate ISU faculty increases will be comparable to salaries at peer universities. Preliminary information indicates the increases at those universities will be from 2 to 7 percent, with pay hikes likely averaging between 3 and 4 percent.
Promotion increments for faculty in FY98 will remain at current levels -- $2,200 for professor, $1,875 for associate professor and $1,550 for assistant professor.
Officials say market survey data and projections indicate the overall 2 percent increase in the P&S pay matrix will keep PS& salaries competitive.
Supervisors will let faculty and staff know about their pay hikes after the salaries budget is finalized during June and the State Board of Regents take action on the proposed raises.
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