Inside Iowa State
June 6, 1997
McGinley named to radio post
William A. McGinley, station manager at KASU Radio, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, has been named general manager for WOI AM/FM Radio. He will begin his new position later this month.
"William McGinley brings both extensive public radio management experience and broadcast teaching experience to WOI Radio. He is dedicated to the high quality and service that distinguishes WOI," said Murray Blackwelder, vice president for external affairs.
McGinley has been station manager at KASU Radio at Arkansas State for the past two years. Previously, he served as radio manager for Prairie Public Radio, Bismarck, N.D.; general manager for KMSU Radio, Mankato State University, Minnesota; and reprographics director and special projects coordinator at KMSU.
At Mankato State, he also chaired the mass communications institute, directed the regional TV center and taught. He received a B.A. in radio/TV from the University of Montana, Missoula, in 1966, and M.A. in radio/TV from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 1968.
McGinley will succeed Rick Lewis, who left ISU last summer. Don Wirth, WOI business manager, has served as interim general manager of the station.
"We greatly appreciate the valuable leadership Don Wirth has provided over the past year. The successful fund-raising campaigns conducted recently are a tribute to Don's enthusiasm and dedication to WOI Radio," Blackwelder said.
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