Inside Iowa State
June 6, 1997
Friday's solar car breakfast will thank sponsors, offer preview of car
by Skip Derra
Team PrISUm's 1997 solar car, ExCYtor, is the guest of honor at a breakfast today (June 6) from 8 to 11 a.m. at the garage in old Sweeney Hall.
Iowa State students are finishing repairs to the car, which was damaged in an accident in April while students were transporting it.
The "Breakfast with Champions" is a way to say "thank you" to the people and organizations that have supported Team PrISUm members during the last two years.
"Without this support, there's no way we would've been able to build this car and get it ready to race," said Beth Hunter, Team PrISUm director.
"We've had a long way to go to fix the car, but we think in many respects this is a better car than before," she said. "We've learned a lot in the process. Now we really want to race it, and feel we need to race it."
Team members will finish work on the car by June 9 and test it on roads around Ames. They leave for Indianapolis June 12 to take part in qualifiers June 15-17.
Twenty four teams already have qualified for Sunrayce 97, leaving 32 teams vying for the remaining 16 slots.
If ExCYtor qualifies, the team will race from Indianapolis to Colorado Springs, June 19-28.
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